Give me back my vote! Reporte Índigo

Antonio Navalón 16-jun-2014logo_reporte_indigo

Every town wants the same thing: no more professional politicians that abuse, steal and insult us.

Therefore, those who voted for Dr. Mancera (in an unprecedented election in Mexico City, which made him won with over 60% of the votes) we tell the story that we, the people, are better than professional politicians.

I wish that were the case. But the truth is, that Dr. Mancera – continuously having a kind face- hasn’t been right once during 25% of his term in power.

If that wasn’t enough, the thing that happened with the Metro´s “Line 12” (the one Mancera has nothing to do with) which was the main electoral campaign for whose predecessor and former chief, Marcelo Ebrard could have reached Los Pinos (if he had had the courage to run against AMLO and against Peña Nieto), threats the tradition derailment and the left party, not the poor part or Morena´s, but the one that’s represented by Ebrard and Miguel Ángel Mancera, in some sense, during the 2015 voting.

Mancera accomplished an unprecedented vote. We could almost say he was the society´s candidate above all political parties. The reaction and the votes gathered by both the Tricolor party and Blue party, were merely testimonial.

For that, between the Zocalo´s occupation, the disagreements and problems, the fact that someone insults you or questions you during a speech and leave, plus the metro´s “Line 12”, may lead many Mexican citizens to do something unpublished: start telling all the politicians they haven’t fulfilled their duty so: give me back my vote!

Our rulers must know that its not only that people wont vote for them again, but they must explain us what they did with our suffrage and how many of their promises, which we voted for, were achieved.

Its bad news the way things are going for Dr. Mancera, but at the end of the day he made a government out of the remnants of PRD. Now, except for the good relationship he has with the President of the Republic (which I believe is a healthy one), honestly a few days before, not months until 2015, he has no candidacy, nor representation that may provide the formula to keep his promise to society with what he told them.

The mandate of Miguel Angel Mancera begins to enter very critical hours.

Its clear: either he does something, or the budget´s predatory tribes or the citizens will shout at him: give me back my vote!

 Versión en español 


Perjuries Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 12-jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

Every charge acquired ends up with an oath: “I protest observe and enforce the Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico and the laws that emanate from it, (…) and if the Nation doesn’t want it that way, let them demand it to me”.

Given what we receive from ever-elected position in Mexico, you could say that we have the biggest generation of perjuries – legally speaking- of all time. We are a country where nothing happens if it’s falsely sworn.

Tell me, what has your delegation representative given you in change of your vote? Tell me, has he fulfilled what he committed to do? Tell me, in what has the Governor of Mexico City (feel your wallet) in return of your vote in case you gave it to him?

Tell me, when we talk about “my” representative, what does it mean? Let me explain it to you, it means that you work for him and thanks to you tax payments plus what’s stolen from you, he may rise his bonus pay at the end of the year and his monthly income so he may live as a rich person.

In Mexico we are used to the fact that its normal that no one meets what is promised that we even forget to complain about it.

We are witnessing many ways to insult our intelligence on behalf of the ones who supposedly rule us.

For example, at the same time when the Tri crotch is placed upon us they warn us (the nerve!) that they will be in Brazil, therefore there wont be any quorum to approve the reforms.

Why don’t we initiate a national campaign against perjury, I mean, against to those who lie to our face? We should ask that if they are believers, they should be excommunicated and the rest should start paying with some kind of social service, for example, cleaning Mexico´s city´s penitentiaries, all because they fool us when they promise, swear and afterwards no one demands them responsibilities, not only penal but moral as well.

One of the country´s greatest problems is that it’s still free to insult us.

Besides, led by this treason, of doing the opposite and breaking our oaths, we have reached bottom. The Vatican had to kick out a paedophile priest from San Luis Potosí, before that State´s bishop accedes to the demand the Attorney General’s Office will place for the abuse of one of our children

Mexicans have resigned to trust only the divine justice; we are used to the earthly justice, the one we pay for,  we can only hope for failure, corruption and injustice. 

Versión en español 

The politics of things Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 11-jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

It was all foreseen. There was no mystery. The King of Spain could not continue with the Crown, dripping elephant blood and with the possibility that his daughter was sitting as a fraudulent vulgar – with reason or without- at the accused bench.

Absolutely everyone has a cycle and none of us is worth everything in everything.

In Mexico we are dangerously close to the false debates we enjoy so much.

It turns out that it’s a national problem being able to reconcile our expression of patriotism through the support and approval towards the Tri (Mexico’s football team) and the approval of the complementary reforms laws. Please!

What will happen is the Mexican football team lost? Why are we debating the interruption of history´s clock in order to miss a voting in Congress or at the Senate because we couldn’t possible miss watching Piojo´s kids out in the field. I wonder: performing what role?

They are always letting us down. I don’t talk only about the Tri in which we all trust: our politicians, our rulers, everyone.

Didn’t they say that if the rules of the Energetic Reform and Telecommunications weren’t approved the country wouldn’t be able to make “the big leap forward” that surely you and me wish for Mexico?

Didn’t they say that we cant no longer wait, that this is our chance?

Now in this marketing that puts the Sonora market as the World Trade Centre, not only because of the herbs that are sold there or the ones consumed in other places, but the level of transaction,in which we have turned the discussion of laws that will change our live, we always want to cash in at the expense of everyone. Conclusion: Mexico is and will continue waiting.

Someone will have to explain to the Government they no longer have to blackmail anyone. They must also tell the political parties of the opposition that so far they have been very lucky because between one thing or another (besides the World Cup), we still haven’t made the math on how many things they have failed us. But we aware, this too shall pass and people will ask them what are they doing.

For the time being what we cannot miss (even if we won the World Cup-I wish), is the history´s train because there might be no more opportunities and we might let it pass forever.

Versión en español 

I don’t care about polls Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 10-jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

I guess I’m biased when talking about Mexico and Spain.

I have seen all visits from Mexican presidents to the Motherland that starred in 1978 with José López Portillo.

 I was (under professional responsibility) there the first time Vicente Fox went to Madrid as the alternation´s Chief of State.

I admit that I was surprised by the reception that the convulsed Spain has given to President Enrique Peña Nieto.

 The speech was clear. Everyone bought it. The CEO´s of the main banks that depend on Mexico and the money they earn there, just like the case of Bancomer, they were present to ask and support -without reserve- the new reforms made by Peña.

 After an hour and fifteen minutes of exhibition on behalf of the Mexican President (without even consulting a piece of paper) and the participation of the Finance Minister, Luis Videgaray, the same question was raised: now what?

The answer given during the cycle organized by newspaper El País “Mexico, Reform in order to grow” was quite clear: Mexico´s future relies on the complementary laws. The Government is at ease with the fact that these laws will agree with the constitutional spirit of the first reforms.

Not even a man screaming “Atenco!” (Referring to the violent episode and killings in San Salvador Atenco city between police and civilians) expecting to interrupt such a lucid act was able to overshadow Peña before the eyes of journalists, businessmen and intellectuals.

The Spanish Government had special interest in not delaying this visit until the end of July although it was more convenient for the Mexican presidential agenda.

Premeditation or fate- who knows- but, the first dinner offered by the abdicated King and the one who shall succeed him, Juan Carlos de Borbón y Felipe VI, was to honour of Peña Nieto.

Recap: just like it happens with so many leaders, the reception the President and his Government had in Spain was much better than the ones they have back home.

Besides, every one wants to know how to reform and how agreements are made allowing such structural changes that have imposed, like Videgaray recalled, a growth rate that never passed- taken out of the media in 30 years- the 2.7 o 3 which is what we´ll have by lack of structural reforms.

And what is most important, Peña Nieto´s Government gave a speech with such warmth; rhythm and closeness that got people confused with the president´s age (48 years old) with Mexico´s that has the age of youth, hope and illusion.

Versión en español 

Merciless Abductors Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 09-jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

Some reforms made to the “Any Kidnapping law” have kicked in. The measures issued are impressive.

In Mexico, the Constitution doesn’t allow the implementation of the Death Penalty, although the seriousness of the offense is quite clear, there are many cases that deserve the maximum penalty.

We are a traumatized town and at the same time, acquainted with the lack of security. Anyone can kill us, mug us or kidnap us and nevertheless, we still have an impressive rate of unpunished crimes.

We welcome a law intended to end the abductions.

There are two things that call my attention: first, what are we going to do with the judges and attorney generals? Second, there is a part in the body of this Law that states that if in the following three days of the kidnapping, the victim is returned without asking for any ransom, the penalty in jail will be from four to six years.

I agree that it´d be typified and I know that express kidnapping is a reality, but thinking as an abductor: what´s in it for me? Why would I return the person, not collect the ransom and besides get arrested?

I ask: will be pay for regret exactly the exactly we pay for intending to commit a crime?

No mercy to those, amongst other things, who provoke that many parents (like myself), be far apart from their families due to the fear of them being kidnapped.

I ask for rationality because the Law is already made but who will be in charge to fulfil it?

What are we going to do about the judges? It’s inevitable not to talk about the Marti case, which was an iconic crime, where one of the kidnappers had to be set free and re judge him because the Judge didn’t ask for the certified copy of his declaration.

Where is that Judge? What are we going to do about her? Where are the attorney generals and all the other responsible people? When will the judicial system give society some sense of satisfaction?

Well done for the State to recognize through changing laws and kidnapping Tsar Renato Sales, we are facing a general problem and for all. Regularly done, if this action isn’t accompanied by corrective measures that allow the law to be applied.

We cannot go from being a State, which had a pact with murderers and scoundrels in exchange for them to accuse others (under the “protective witnesses” chapter) to a State where the possibility of a reward doesn’t exist when facing regret, dissolution or simply a change in a felony so serious as to remove someone its liberty. 

Versión en español 


ABC case: five years in the dark Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 05-jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

1,826 days have passed… every city surrounding the deserts are very warm during the morning and extremely cold during the night. In Hermosillo, Sonora its been nigh time for the past five years.

Every time the sun rises and the 49 children killed by our laziness, cowardice and corruption can not see the light of day, we are reminded that we are not just a country in crisis, but a profoundly sick society.

The case of the ABC day-care still exists, demands and shaming a few people in this country.  There are 49 incomplete families and 76 more that are still in the recovery ordeal from their many injuries (all of this without the promised support of the authorities).

The shamelessness and the insensitivity has no colour. It’s neither blue nor tricolored. It doesn’t belong only to a president’s term in office, but to those who forget that it is our duty to keep safe the lives of our children. 

Five years have passed and justice hasn’t been made. Because of corruption and inefficiency of the legal system all those responsible have been exonerated.

The number of deceased children in the ABC day-care count as much as the deceased during the Holocaust, because it’s all the same: the history of human failure.

I feel like a failure as a citizen because despite the fact that I haven’t stopped claiming for justice and each time I see a child´s smile I think about all those children who no longer smile, or as much as its written or said, I haven’t done anything practical to let them rest in peace. Does this happen to you as well?

I hope that them, with the innocence of the future they will never have, may rest in peace. Nevertheless, us, all Mexicans with our right to vote, all theoretical or actual reform beneficiaries, cannot.

These children aren’t alien or unknown to us, they are ourselves, out future murdered. This kids- thought their parents- believed in the Mexican State and its institutions, and we failed them!

And we continue to fail because until now their death was in vain: the victim´s parents ensure that the Mexican Judicial system is inefficient and it prevails with a bad interpretation of the law regarding this case.

I know the day will come in which this tormented memory will turn into action. Until then, how many more children in Mexico are at risk of dying because we are still such a frivolous society, corrupt, inefficient an immoral, with a government that is even more broken? Not any more!

Versión en español 


Elena: The Survivor Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 04-jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

No one remembers the name of the General who occupied Crimea or the one who conquered Berlin. Nevertheless, everyone knows who Tolstoy was.

Intellectuals remain;roundabouts are on the minds of the people long before their bones are shamelessly exploited for power.

In Mexico, the generation that gave – along side with Vasconcelos -, luster to the 20th century is extinguishing.

There is no more Octavio Paz or Carlos Fuentes, “Monsis” or Jose Emilios. All that is left is Elena. She, like every woman, survives. Like every woman, she recounts in a space of her diary the loves and in another space, the heartbreaks.

Before granting Elena Poniatowska with the Cervantes Award, CONACULTA had already taken two initiatives: first, The Elena Poniatowska Foundation A.C. had support and a home; and second, giving her the “Bellas Artes Medal”. Then came the Spanish recognition.

Elena had to live the repetition of the Texcoco night in 1968. Only that the “Texcoco” she lived wasn’t the last Aztec rebellion against the Spanish devils, but the future of the Mexican people against a present who was scared and ended up murdering students and preventing the Olympics to happen in a trauma-free environment.

The killing in Tlateloco marked Mexico´s history. We are all its children.It is one of the few witnesses that remain of the suffering, pain and fear.

British writer Robert Graves once visited Mexico in 1968.He was invited to be part of the intellectual circle of the Olympics. After the massacre of Tlatelolco he arrived at the airport in Mexico City, escaped the hostesses of Diaz Ordaz and took refuge in Tepoztlán. There he shared – fungus above and fungus below – alongside with Mosiváis and Poniatowska the tragic plan of a country that always hopes to kill the weakest. In Morelos they saw Zapata´s white horse jog. 

Those who keep alive memories for their independence, ideas and beliefs, their experiences and their jumps and scepticism about the sexes, can celebrate life, Carlos, José Emilio, Octavio and other colleagues can only have that view from eternity.

Everything that speaks well about an institution, in this case CONACULTA conducted by Tovar, who makes a living tribute to Poniatowska, which is hard to believe in a culture that worships the great ones until they die.

This is done, as well, by Mexico and its State. Because in order to able to criticize, run or ruin it is necessary to recognize. Good for honouring in life a great Mexican: Elena Poniatowska.

Versión en español 

Juan Carlos: The dream Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 03-jun-2014logo_reporte_indigo

Those of us who knew Juan Carlos de Borbón, as Prince of Spain and heir to the dictator, first thing that surprised us was his cordial and emphatic invitation: “tutéame” (to talk to each other in first name basis).

Only crazy men did this. He is the son and grandson of kings (although his father never ruled in order for him to do so), for all we know all that “we are the same” speech, wasn’t real.

I remember what he pronounced, on November 26th 1975, during the first dinner given to friends, acquaintances and people who were just passing by (my case), in which dressed as a General Captain of the Armies – no one trembled when this uniform was worn by Juan Carlos-, he said: “We have arrived”.

The smartest of us, my teacher, the extinct Pio Cabanillas, Minister of Justice- and almost of everything- with Franco and with him, he said: “sorry Sir, the one who has arrived is you”.

This began the Spanish transition; on men under the age of 40 in plenitude of testosterone, illusion, patriotism and love. History will say who gave more and who gave less, if Suárez or the King, which together with the prematurely wise Felipe González made the ‘Spanish Miracle’.

The “miracle” has ended. It’s the same play, the same script and actors, which has two parts: happy ending until five years ago; happy ending since five years ago.

I don’t know what will happen with our institutions. I know that people are unhappier but more conscious and democratic. The future is in them.

From Don Juan Carlos we will remember that for the first time in 300 years, he Enlightenment triumphed in Spain and for the second time, the myth, the fantasy, the beast of each, survived for over 25 years. Besides, his Crown and his kingdom would have been impossible without the newspaper El País and its founders.

Now, after the King´s abdication the social media was plagued with comments.

There are those who supported him and his son Felipe and there are others who claim for the end of the Monarchy and the beginning of the Republic. Tough decision.

The truth is (and should be applauded) that 39 years ago when he took the throne, Spain smelled like the blood of their dead and lived in fear.

Today, four decades later, it is possible to stand up and say, being for or against; Spain is free.

In the aftermath, the ‘Spanish Miracle’ could be because its people wanted it and because he had two good conductors: King Juan Carlos and Adolfo Suarez. Today, to be a good leader is having the ability to listen to his people. As what was said when that was done: “speak people, speak”.

Versión en español 

Vertigo Reporte Indigo

Antonio Navalón 02–jun-2014 logo_reporte_indigo

In politics no one is dead until he or she is buried.

And so, what will happen now that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador emerges as a real alternative, above a clear principle: the failure of all is his success.

We´ve come across the thorny issue of asking: who will pay for the party?

Let me explain myself: The PRD is fighting the budget disposal and worrying about how to collect their money next fortnightly pay, it has- either it knows it or not- ahead of it a huge moral problem, structural, economic, political and social, which is: how much of the budget will he assign to Morena.

Because that´s an offer that cant be refused. If they are the instruments of the circle of businessmen against Andrés Manuel, once again, the left will die with he right (I mean the left side of the budget).

If Lopez Obrador will be forcefully reduced to be the Ho Chi Minh of Mexican democracy- in the sense that digging tunnels and taking advantage of the American soldier´s weakness so throughout the Vietnamese make them less men-, so victory shall be bloodier.

Those who have declared “state secret” the projection – still an attempt -, of how will the Hose of Representatives be in 2015.

Because if one of the of the forecasts was fulfilled, it would turn out that PAN will be the second party. PRI will the majority (but it will be limited if governors don’t avoid it), Morena will be third and forth place will assigned to PRD. The fifth and the ashes of what is left will go to Nueva Alianza y all the other parties.

So do the math. Realize what means trying to apply and move forward with the structural reforms with 70 or 80 representatives belonging to Morena; and of course, against the wind.

Modern history is constituted by great debates, one of them starring Lenin against the Bolsheviks, whom were strong supporters of not engaging in political elections, however, the leader of the Russian Revolution did participate in the elections and with only five representatives he won.

What a dilemma for yellow democrats, don’t you think?

Versión en español 

Sub commander Galeano Reporte Índigo

Antonio Navalón 30-may-2014

When I had the opportunity to choose what life did not give me the chance to have by nature, I chose to belong here, in Mexico.

Us Mexicans have overcome everything that’s possible, the impossible and what no other country on Earth had achieved: we are no longer a surrealist country. We are the universe of surrealism.

Note that we have a Zapatista Army of National Liberation that begins shooting and ends attacking with poetic verses.

Note that its such a shame that the poor Indians twenty years later of promised freedom and such wonder, after so much pipe they don’t live any better than before.

Its true they are more dignified. We have them – by force- more present, pero their life is no better.

Eduardo Galeano, the man who opened Latin America´s veins, and globally showed us the history of Latin American countries, ensures that he will never write The Open Veins of Latin America again.

There are two things that call my attention regarding former Sub commander Marcos´s message. First, the end of a poem. Because Marcos (or Rafael Guillen or whom ever he is) was able to do what Charles Chaplin didn’t: livelonger in his character than out of it. Second, Marcos leaves so Sub Commander Galeano may surface just when the other Galeano the one who opened Latin America´s veins, says that the haemorrhages and things no longer go that way, things have changed and today Latin America is something else.

Upon Sub commander Marcos´s announcement that this weekend those would be his “last words in public before ceasing to exist”, he explained, “It was necessary for one of us to die so Galeano may live. And for that impertinent that is death be satisfied, instead of Galeano we put another name so he may live and death takes not a life, but only a name, some empty letters of any sense, without its own story, without a life. So we have decided that Marcos ceases to exist today”.

Since Eduardo Galeano reinvents himself Marcos reproduces himself in the Galeano that was but will no longer be. 

Where will he finish his days, right or wrong, and I wish to him good health conditions, to former commander Marcos?

Who will be the new voice of the dream that once made Mitterrand shiver?

What is left of that Mexico that had the illusion of transition, freedom and finish the corruption and also wore a hood?

Marcos isn’t important per se except that he personally achieved happiness.

Marcos is just a symbol of our time. The only symbol of those years that remains is Salinas.

Versión en español